Our Day Off BACKFIRES: Garden Work & Opt Out Expo Prep

Tiny Shiny Home

Today we take a look at our winter garden, do some video work, get ready for and attend the Opt Out Expo, run some errands, go on a date, and more. Whew!


Rusty Connor

After 20 years, we went from chickens to ducks....they were so much cooler and the eggs were incredible! Great video, thanks!

Rickie Pauley

Good behind the scenes video. Glad to know you are not workaholics!

Donna & Rick Pauley

Trying to watch Severance but this first episode is weird! Is this another one that starts slow and gets better.

Tiny Shiny Home

Haha yes it's sooo weird and darkly funny - and starts a little slow. But I promise if you stick with it the end of the 1st season is one of the best season finale's I've ever seen.