Our First Buttresses, BIG STEP in Our Roundhouse Build?

Tiny Shiny Home

The hyperadobe roundhouse build continues! Today we spend time prepping trenches and laying our first buttresses. This is an important step in getting the entire house to floor level and ready for door frames.


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Your videos bring joy to so many people! Some, like me, will never live the way you do because of age or ability or whatever. But it is wonderful to see your family following their dream and working together to make it come true. The videos also contain views of the desert that teach the rest of us how beautiful the desert can be. I love seeing the many plants and flowers that are there, the sunsets, the critters and, of course, who doesn't love seeing happy baby goats!!! May you live long and prosper!!!

Tiny Shiny Home

Aww thank you Peggy!